Refund Policy

Refund Policy

No return and/or refund will be given for cancelled orders of sold/rent products installed/delivered and not used during the event.

A return and/or refund is only allowed under the following circumstances;

  • The product is defective and/or damaged during delivery;
  • The product is confirmed to be defective and/or damaged by our technicians.

The return and or refund request must be submitted within 7 days of the receipt of the order.

The return and/or refund procedures are as follows:

  • Please email to our operation team at to request for return and/or refund.
  • After receiving your request, we shall contact you within 3 business days for further instructions.
  • You are required to send the photo proof of delivery through email.
  • Once your return and/or refund confirmed and inspected by us, we will process your refunds within 7 to 14 working days via the same payment method used.

QUBE reserves the right to reject any inappropriate or unreasonable returns and/or refunds.